Active & Livable Communities
UMA believes that quality options for non-vehicular travel - whether for daily, work-related, or recreational use - help promote positive growth, healthy lifestyles, and unique community character.
Led by our ALC Task Force, UMA works to identify solutions for communities looking to expand non-vehicular transportation options. Whether its convening interested parties to dream big, or helping provide expertise in the weeds, UMA helps communities connect sites of interest, neighboring cities, or expand offerings altogether.
UMA also tracks the challenges and solutions communities work through to inform a broader regional approach to this work.
Current Work
Click below for specific information on the various programs and projects in place.
Trail Connections (Contact Us)
Task Force Members
Task Force members represent private, public, and individual leaders and advocates in the field.
Co-Chair: Blake Sanders, City of West Pelzer (Mayor)
Co-Chair: Brennan Groel, Greenville County Planning