Highlighted Programs

There are over 350 grant programs included in the IIJA. Not all of them are wholly relevant to the Upstate (e.g. mining related grants), but some are very applicable to our region and have the potential to have tremendous impact.

Here, we highlight a few grant programs that, based on our knowledge of ongoing work in the Upstate, many local governments, nonprofits, and other agencies should explore for support over the next five years.

Want to get an overview of everything in the legislation? Click the links below.

Reconnecting Communities

Available Funding: $1 billion (5 years)

Type of Grant: Competitive

Eligible Entities: Nonprofits, Transit Authorities, Local Governments, MPOs, States, COGs.

Notice of Funding Opportunity >>

Description: Grants support projects that reconnect communities divided by transportation impediments such as bridges, rail lines, dangerous road conditions, highways, or other transportation “facilities”.

Examples: Linear parks, pedestrian bridges/paths, multi-modal trails, highway crossings, pedestrian safety measures.

Available Funding: $5 billion (5 years)

Type of Grant: Competitive

Eligible Entities: Local Governments, MPOs, States, COGs.

Notice of Funding Opportunity >>

Safe Streets &
Roads for All

Description: Projects that improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries for all users (pedestrians, cyclists, public transit users, motorists, micromobility users, and commercial operators).

Examples: Intersection improvements, crossings, pedestrian projects, major realignments, etc.




Highlighted State Formula Programs